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Strengthening natural resources security and management in Western Niger

Starting from an unexploited and degraded land, all layers of the population have been involved to sustainably restore hectares of land in Niger. Since 2021, the REPO project (Agro-sylvo-pastoral resilience, West Niger), financed by the European Union Trust Fund, is implemented by Enabel.

Western Niger is characterised by strategic agro-pastoral areas that are used for agro-pastoral and pastoral purposes. These areas allow the maintenance of pastoral mobility and constitute essential subsistence resources for pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in western Niger and neighbouring countries.

Video production (French-speaking): Studio Kalangou

Launched in 2021 for a period of 4 years, the REPO project focuses on the resilience of young people and women, particularly through strengthening their access to agro-pastoral resources and their participation in land governance mechanisms

Examples of activities carried out:

  • Restoration & marking of grazing areas;
  • Restoration of deteriorated land;
  • More than 1.000 young people and women supported in socio-economic activities aimed at sustainable livestock services and practices;
  • Spaces for dialogue and consultation with land management and peace-building structures have been set up.

Before the project, this place was unexploited. Today, we have restored the land and we manage to feed and graze our animals.. » M. Adamou, a beneficiary of the project

Creation of half-moons to retain rainwater.
In restored areas, the impact is visible.

At the beginning, we did not have any sheep, but with the support of the project with a livestock package, we now have a double benefit: we can use animal droppings to improve the land, and we can sell the fattening products to finance the development of an income-generating activity meeting our family’s small expenses and needs. » Mrs Akan Rabo, a beneficiary of the project

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Fields of action

Agriculture, rural development and food security
Agriculture, rural development and food security

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