
Discover below videos of our actions in the Sahel :


  • All
  • Burkina Faso
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Niger
  • Chad


  • All
  • Decentralization and basic services
  • Education and youth employment
  • Energy and climate
  • Governance
  • Agriculture, rural development and food security
Coordination of development initiatives in Hodh Charqui
Coordination of development initiatives in Hodh Charqui
Radio as a vehicle for social cohesion in Hodh Charqui
Radio as a vehicle for social cohesion in Hodh Charqui
Access to justice for populations vulnerable to conflict
Access to justice for populations vulnerable to conflict
Coordination of aid to refugees in Hodh Charqui
Coordination of aid to refugees in Hodh Charqui
Socio-economic inclusion of refugees and host communities
Socio-economic inclusion of refugees and host communities
Youth employment: Abdel Latif’s story
Youth employment: Abdel Latif’s story
Women entrepreneurs create jobs in Burkina Faso
Women entrepreneurs create jobs in Burkina Faso
Soil protection in Burkina Faso
Soil protection in Burkina Faso
Codesign: Malian innovation and creativity
Codesign: Malian innovation and creativity
Anti-theft systems made in Mali
Anti-theft systems made in Mali
Doing Business in Tillabéri: the good recipe from Tchima Moussa
Doing Business in Tillabéri: the good recipe from Tchima Moussa
Doing Business in Niger: voices of entrepreneurs
Doing Business in Niger: voices of entrepreneurs
Integrated Territorial Approach
Integrated Territorial Approach