News & Press : Decentralization and basic services

Strengthening access to water and sanitation in N’Djamena

20,000 residents of the 7th and 8th districts of the Chadian capital are benefiting from improved access to drinking water and sanitation. The N’Djamena Water & Sanitation Project (Projet eau & assainissement à N’Djaména, PEAN), cofinanced by AFD and the European Union, operates in the Habéna, Atrone, Amtoukoui, Boutalbagar, Zafaye…

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Covid-19 response in Niger:  joint efforts from German Cooperation and European Union

Raising awareness activities in Niger – Copyright ©GIZ     Much needed equipment has been handed out to over 25 healthcare centres and hospitals in different regions of Niger : 100.000 latex gloves, 96.000 surgical masks, 21.000 bars of soap, 300 handwashing stations and 250 thermometers. This donation has been…

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