News & Press : News

Mauritanian police are stepping up their efforts to better combat gender-based violence

Faced with the scourge of gender-based violence on the front lines, Mauritanian police have undertaken a vast task: to strengthen the skills of its staff and equip them to provide better case management. There are many obstacles that prevent victims from walking through the police station door to seek redress…

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Editorial – December 2021

Madam, Sir, dear members, dear partners, This month of November was marked by the crucial COP 26. In the Sahel, the challenges and impacts of climate change are immense and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities. Temperatures in the region are rising one and a half times faster than in the rest of…

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Norway and the IOF join the Sahel Alliance at the 4th steering committee of the coordination platform

The 4th Steering Committee (OSC) of the Sahel Alliance was held on 10 November 2020  by video-conference, for a good number of participants, due to the health context marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. This quarterly milestone of the Sahel Alliance saw a strong participation of its members, observers and representatives…

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An emergency plan for fragile areas in Burkina Faso

For several years now, the countries of the Sahel-Saharan strip have been grappling with a security crisis driven by multifaceted root causes and bearing dramatic consequences for their populations. Since January 2016, Burkina Faso has been subject to attacks by terrorist armed groups (GATs) that initially occurred in the northern part…

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Strengthening access to drinking water supply and sanitation in Mauritania

The geographical and climatic characteristics of Mauritania make water accessibility a major and permanent historical challenge. Moreover, the effects of climate change have already begun to be felt on Mauritanian territory. Rising temperatures, droughts and increased heavy rains exacerbate the continuing trend towards the degradation of agricultural, forest and pastoral…

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Cooperation in Chad: Alone, we go faster- together, we go further!

Governance is at the heart of the approach of the Livelihood Improvement Project in Western Chad (PAMELOT), which is part of the Sahel Alliance. This project is part of a process of proximity and skills transfer with development actors.  Local and national authorities and GIZ are working hand in hand: a…

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