News & Press : Forthcoming events

Resilience in the Sahel: How Universities are in Strengthening Food and Agricultural Security

A pioneering initiative in the Sahel, the Réseau des Universités du Sahel pour la Résilience (REUNIR – Sahel Universities Network for Resilience) highlights the impact of collaboration between the academic sector and international organisations in efforts to strengthen food and agricultural resilience. Led by Professor Toguyeni, the network brings together…

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Agriculture, Livestock Farming, Environment: 3 Ways to Tackle Malnutrition

According to the World Food Programme, Chad is facing acute food and nutrition insecurity for the fourth year running. Nearly 1.9 million people need food aid during the lean season from June to August, when family food reserves are diminishing. The provinces of Kanem and Barh el Gazel have not…

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Strengthening natural resources security and management in Western Niger

Starting from an unexploited and degraded land, all layers of the population have been involved to sustainably restore hectares of land in Niger. Since 2021, the REPO project (Agro-sylvo-pastoral resilience, West Niger), financed by the European Union Trust Fund, is implemented by Enabel. Western Niger is characterised by strategic agro-pastoral…

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Tools to facilitate the implementation of the integrated territorial approach

The commitments made at the first General Assembly of the Sahel Alliance on 25 February 2020 commited the need for better coordination of efforts at field level and for geographical coherence of members’ actions. It was recommended to promote a differentiated approach to fragile areas thanks to an integrated territorial…

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6th Extraordinary summit of G5 Sahel Heads of State: the Sahel Alliance reaffirms its determination to work together for the development of the region

At the invitation of H.E. General Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, President of the Republic of Chad and current Chairman of the G5 Sahel, the Heads of State of the G5 Sahel member countries met in extraordinary session on 20 February 2023 in N’Djamena. The aim? To examine the current functioning…

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“When we say that women are agents of change, it is not just a catchphrase in the Sahel”

During the 10th Sahel Alliance Steering Committee, Ms Diyé Ba, Coordinator of the G5 Sahel Women’s Platform, spoke on the panel discussion “Women and resilience in the Sahel”. A former minister and parliamentarian in Mauritania, and a member of several networks that campaign for democracy, the rule of law and…

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