News & Press : Press

Editorial – Décembre 2023

Madame, Monsieur, chers membres, chers partenaires, Je ne peux ouvrir ce dernier éditorial de l’année sans exprimer notre profonde tristesse à l’annonce du décès de Dr Djime Adoum. J’adresse, au nom de l’Alliance Sahel, nos plus sincères condoléances à son épouse, sa famille et à toute la communauté de la…

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Burkina Faso: Two New Spokespersons Represent The Sahel Alliance

Since August 2023, two new spokespersons have been representing the Alliance Sahel in Burkina Faso: H.E. Kristian Kirkegaard Edinger, Ambassador of Denmark, and Mr Jan Henrik Meise, Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy. They replace Gilles Chausse, Director of Agence Française de Développement (AFD) in Burkina Faso, who served…

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Editorial: September 2023

Dear members, dear partners, At the end of the lean season, the crisis in Niger on 26 July and the upsurge in acts of violence in several other regions of the Sahel have exacerbated a highly fragile situation. This context, and the uncertainty associated with it, calls into question the…

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Agriculture, Livestock Farming, Environment: 3 Ways to Tackle Malnutrition

According to the World Food Programme, Chad is facing acute food and nutrition insecurity for the fourth year running. Nearly 1.9 million people need food aid during the lean season from June to August, when family food reserves are diminishing. The provinces of Kanem and Barh el Gazel have not…

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Strengthening natural resources security and management in Western Niger

Starting from an unexploited and degraded land, all layers of the population have been involved to sustainably restore hectares of land in Niger. Since 2021, the REPO project (Agro-sylvo-pastoral resilience, West Niger), financed by the European Union Trust Fund, is implemented by Enabel. Western Niger is characterised by strategic agro-pastoral…

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Tools to facilitate the implementation of the integrated territorial approach

The commitments made at the first General Assembly of the Sahel Alliance on 25 February 2020 commited the need for better coordination of efforts at field level and for geographical coherence of members’ actions. It was recommended to promote a differentiated approach to fragile areas thanks to an integrated territorial…

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