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Priorities for the Italian Cooperation in the Sahel: Food Security, Youth and Gender Equality

Africa remains the main beneficiary of development aid and activities financed by the Italian cooperation, in line with the approach and objectives of the Mattei Plan to strengthen relations with the African continent. This cooperation involves partnerships with national and international stakeholders to identify and implement ambitious projects in strategic development sectors. These initiatives are implemented in collaboration with public and private stakeholders from the Italian development system.

These initiatives include a focus on food security and support for women and young people in national and local community development. Food security is a major priority for Italian development cooperation. In 2021, Rome hosted high-level international events such as the UN Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit and the UN Food Systems Summit +2, bringing together UN leaders, heads of state, ministers, as well as representatives of civil society and the private sector. These meetings were platforms for discussing the sustainable transformation of food systems to promote the well-being of people and the planet.

To be sustainable, this process must include everyone, starting with those who are marginalised or living in particularly vulnerable conditions. It is precisely with this in mind that Italian development cooperation aims to highlight and support the role of women and young people and their potential in the agricultural and food systems of the Sahel countries.

Here are some figures to illustrate the latest initiatives approved or launched by Italian development cooperation: of the 12 projects funded since January 2024 and published in the Sahel Alliance portfolio, 5 focus on food security, with particular emphasis on the key role that young people and women can and must play in the future and development of their countries.

For instance, the “Women in Action” project aims to improve food and nutritional security in the Tillabéry and Say regions of Niger.

As part of the Sahel Alliance, Italy has appointed Mr Mengoni as the new focal point representing Italy at the coordination platform.

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