News & Press

Niger: defeating hunger and defying climate change

More than 80% of the Niger’s population live from agriculture. However, it is often practised inefficiently. A project of the German Cooperation shows that yields can be significantly increased by expanding small-scale irrigation infrastructure. On 8 March 2021, Niger’s Prime Minister Brigi Rafini formally launched the second phase of the…

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Burkina Faso: the municipalities improve people’s access to basic social services and local democracy

Nearly half of the population in Burkina Faso lives below the poverty line. Their access to clean water, education or health care is often not guaranteed. With decentralisation, the Government of Burkina Faso aims to ensure that the development of these basic benefits is designed by local communities, in order…

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What record for the Alliance Sahel after 3 years at the service of the Sahelian populations?

The first results report on the action of the Sahel Alliance, at the end of its 3 years of existence, was officially published on Tuesday 19 January during a digital conference. The conference panel brought together high-level speakers, including the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation,…

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Editorial – May 2021

Madam, Sir, dear members, dear partners, Since 20 April, all eyes have been on Chad, following the death of President Idriss Déby Itno. We extend our deepest condolences to the Chadian people and assure them of our solidarity and support in facing the country’s development challenges. The Alliance members are…

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The members of the Sahel Alliance are more committed than ever to supporting Niger in accelerating access to electricity

At the close of the round table on accelerating access to electricity in Niger, Affouda Léon Biaou, Senior Energy Specialist for the World Bank and coordinator of the “Energy” working group for the Sahel Alliance in Niger, takes stock of the commitments of the members of the Sahel Alliance and…

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Round table on electricity in Niger: “We note that our agenda is neither overly ambitious nor utopian.”

On 4 and 5 November 2020, the government of Niger, technical and financial partners, the private sector and donors met in Niamey for the first round table aimed at accelerating electrification in Niger towards universal access by 2030. At the end of the exchanges, assessment and review of progress, with…

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