News & Press

Sahel: collective intelligence serving decentralising and governance

How can we be quicker, more coherent and better define the objectives of governance and decentralisation projects for the benefit of local communities in the G5 Sahel countries? With a desire to do things differently and to take the needs and realities of local authorities as a starting point, UNDP,…

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© Christian Berger Pastoralism is crucially important to the Sahel, but it is under threat. The Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Project (PRAPS) financed by the World Bank, is a collaboration of six Sahelian countries supported by IDA $248 million, is working to improve productivity, sustainability, and resilience of pastoral livelihoods,…

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Press Release Sahel Alliance – International High-Level Conference on the Sahel, Brussels 23.02.2018

The Sahel Alliance officially announces the implementation of over 500 projects for a total amount of EUR 6bn to be disbursed between 2018 and 2022. Brussels, 23 February 2018 – During the International High-Level Conference on the Sahel, the founding members of the Sahel Alliance – France, Germany, the EU,…

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