News & Press

The Integrated Territorial Approach (ATI): An approach to aid adapted to fragile areas

In the face of the worsening of conflicts in many regions of the Sahel and their multiple consequences on the living conditions of the populations, the international community is seeking to strengthen the relevance, effectiveness and impact of its aid in these areas, paying particular attention to the prevention and treatment…

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“Enabling women to share their experiences to free themselves and find solutions”

Women are key players in peace and development in the Sahel. President of the association “Femmes de l’avenir”, Franceline Tranagda describes how women’s role could be strengthened in Burkina Faso. Franceline Tranagda What are the actions carried out by the Association femmes de l’Avenir? The association “Femmes de l’avenir” was…

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Strengthening natural resources security and management in Western Niger

Starting from an unexploited and degraded land, all layers of the population have been involved to sustainably restore hectares of land in Niger. Since 2021, the REPO project (Agro-sylvo-pastoral resilience, West Niger), financed by the European Union Trust Fund, is implemented by Enabel. Western Niger is characterised by strategic agro-pastoral…

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