Overview of the projects

A Support programme for refugees and host communities in Chad

The Refugees and Host Communities Support Project (PARCA) aims to improve access to basic services, livelihoods and social security systems for refugees and host communities in Chad. The project is also strengthening national refugee management systems.

Among basic services, PARCA provides specific support for access to health and education by financing the rehabilitation or construction of new public service infrastructure in targeted areas. Another focus of the project is to extend Chad’s social protection system to include poor and vulnerable households from the refugee and host communities, thereby strengthening their resilience.

I still remember the 22 km I had to walk when I was 10 to go to school in Goré. I also remember that we had to walk for miles to get water. Today, water is accessible to our children.” Donadji Donald 40 years old

The community spontaneously decided to help build the village school, as the village was so delighted with the initiative to build a school.” Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for the Kobo school site



  • 5,000 students have permanently left the makeshift straw schools in Nya Pendé (host region for Central African refugees in the far south of Chad).
  • 5 primary schools have been built, including 10 modern buildings equipped with tables and benches.
  • Over 171,000 people benefited from a social security programme.
  • Over 160,000 people now have an improved access to community health and education facilities.


Picture Copyright: © World Bank


Fields of action

Decentralization and basic services
Decentralization and basic services

Implemented by

The World Bank



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